

Winter Season in Malta

We already know that Malta is one of the best places to spend holidays during the summer. What we didn't know is that Malta became one of the most searched destination in the winter as well! "The winter season if off to a strong start at Malta International Airport, with November traffic reaching 453,563 passengers movements and registering an increase of 11.8% over the same month last year." Confirm the Malta International Airport News . Comparing to last year-to-date Malta has hit the record marking 6 million passengers this year! That's great news! It's so powerful how Malta has been growing every year and partially because off all those people coming and going as the tourism has a big economical impact towards every country. Every visitor that arrives in Malta is absorb by the multifaceted landscape of the small archipelago. Being halfway between  Sicily and  Tunisia  means practically a bridge between Europe and Africa. This brought a tu...

Can Brexit interfere with my holiday in the UK?

Brexit:  So many questions, yet, not much answers. "Brexit deal vote to take place in week of 14 January." Said  Theresa May  on the December 17th -  The Guardian . Some of you are questioning yourselves with: How this affects me at all? Others will say: Is this going to affect my holidays? Should I book now or wait for a deal? It would have any difference between  those who live in Europe and those who live in others continents? Dont' worry... Yet. You are probably not the only questioning yourself with that. I don't have all the answers to you but I'll try to help! It will depend a lot from where are you coming, from where your passport is, when are you going, for how long you staying, if you have family there... I mean, Theresa May is not making our life any easy here! But unfortunately no one has much information about this deal. I can promise you one thing: It won't be good for the United Kingdom, it won't be good for Europe... For many, ma...

Where to go? How to decide?

Are you looking for your next destination? First things first! According to Google,  The Telegraph  has made our life easier with this post on the last Wednesday - 12th December - about The Most In-Demand Destinations of 2018 . This is the Top 10 destinations searched the most in 2018: Moscow Kiev Tenerife Seville Gran Canaria Geneva Dalaman Sri lanka Larnaca Pakistan In my opinion? If Moscow is even in MY Top 10? No, it is not... I would prefer to go to French Polynesia but apparently it's not even in the Top 10 "for the rest of the world". Keep in mind that t here is no right or wrong place to go! T here's no right or wrong way to plan a trip!   But for sure, searching into blogs for tips such as "Where people go the most?" could help you with "Why should I go there?", maybe if that many people are visiting that place it could be for the same reason that you want to go. "The Number of Bloggers is expected to reach ...

How blogging engages with the target audience?

Blog nowadays besides influencing people can actually entertain, educate, inspire, inform or even help the audience. On my blog area (travel) people consult’s a lot blogs for information and opinions before making a decision about choosing a product (hotel, airline companies) or a destination. “ 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. And 94% of people share blog content.” Says Liz Ayling - an experienced journalist, editor, trainer and copywriter, specialist in blogging and content development - on her online class  last Friday, 30th of November, explaining why the content on the blog should be good enough for sharing, so people can have their take on it and show to their friends (what makes your views and follower’s increases). To run a blog, more specifically a successful blog, one of the first thing one has to decide is which audience they are aiming towards. This is called the  target audience . Obviously is not an easy work to do as I mentioned...


Nowadays, blogs are part of our lives. Some people use more than others but everyone uses, as least, as a consultant site. There are blogs for everything: sports, cooking, politics, fashion and off course travels.  In the very beginning of this digital/social media age people used to use blogs as a personal pages only, and they still do, but it's has becoming more as a digital influence . Travel blogs has the same power in people... Either promoting, or either disclosing tourist destinations, hotels, airline companies, and so on. Many people do this as a job but I have to tell you that's not an easy job to do! But that's how it is in everything you put some effort in life, it has the good and the bad part of it. The  Virtuoso Blog  explain us why is so important having so many blogs for us to check. Maybe just for inspiring ourselves and sometimes also for helping us to make decisions before going around the world. What makes you feel good about yourself? W...

When are we leaving?

Travelling is one of the only things in the world that makes you spend money and earn something in return: experience. It teaches you about the world, teaches you about your homeland, teaches you about yourself, it makes you more tolerant, makes you more confident, makes you more independent, provides you unforgettable moments and experiences, improves your language skills, motivates you, provides you stories you can tell later that no one would ever experience that for you. Each place is a new adventure, a new feeling, a new emotion, a new reason.  Mountains, beaches, sunsets, people, food, colors … Everywhere gives you a new opinion and a new vision in how to make your path. Why not? "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine