Can Brexit interfere with my holiday in the UK?

Brexit: So many questions, yet, not much answers.
"Brexit deal vote to take place in week of 14 January."
Said Theresa May on the December 17th - The Guardian.

Some of you are questioning yourselves with: How this affects me at all?
Others will say: Is this going to affect my holidays? Should I book now or wait for a deal? It would have any difference between those who live in Europe and those who live in others continents?
Dont' worry... Yet. You are probably not the only questioning yourself with that. I don't have all the answers to you but I'll try to help!

It will depend a lot from where are you coming, from where your passport is, when are you going, for how long you staying, if you have family there... I mean, Theresa May is not making our life any easy here!

But unfortunately no one has much information about this deal. I can promise you one thing: It won't be good for the United Kingdom, it won't be good for Europe... For many, many reasons besides all this bonds (economically speaking) built between the UK and the whole EU... But we all only will notice this impact in a long term.

I like to read some blogs to try to understand everyday a little more of this big decision and sometimes at least to keep myself up-to-date.
You definitely can look for more information about the Brexit in some of this blog list that I made for you:

I hope this can help you guys! And please, don't despair! The UK is beautiful and all its sights, so if you have never been there... What are you waiting for? For the moment the UK still has the same laws as before.


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